மிக விரைவில் நான் எங்களுடைய நிச்யதர்த்த போடோவுடன் கூடிய ஒரு ப்ளாக் எழுதுகிறேன்.
நானும் மதுமதியும் பேச ஆரம்பித்தவுடன் நான் இந்த ப்ளாக் ஷேர் செய்து விட்டேன். அது மதுவுக்கு என்னை பற்றி அறிய ஒரு உதவியாக இருந்திருக்கும் என்று நினைகின்றேன்.
Writing this blog before going to sleep. Had a feeling in mind. Including me i have seen many people working far away from home to earn money. I am talking abt only people who stay far away from home. Are they happy with the money they have earned. Yes their financial problem is solved. But think abt family, and u... no one will be near by u when u wanted them the most or whey they wanted u the most. You wont be near with them for festivals, functions and other important moments of life. Only phone calls, yearly 2-3 meetings thats it. You will forget ur relations, everything in back home.After 10-20 years back you will forget everything.
if married u and ur wife both will be going to work to earn more. You would not be able to spend time with ur family. Kids will be growing with nanny, can a nanny give true love like a mother/father gives?. u can say i am earning more money so i can keep my kid happy. i can make him what ever he wants... yes true u can.. but there wont be love.. he will be seeing u as an ATM. not as a father and there wont be any love like how u love ur parents.
i just wanted to say money can buy any thing but not true love. Money can't bring back ur lost life, happiness. You r working hard for ur family, thats gr8. But are both of u happy? No. Even though if u are not earning much u will be happy when u are near by with ur family. There will be many people around u to support.
I am not happy in being far away from home. I want to be with my family. I know i have lost many things by being away from home. I dont want to loose more. Soon i will be moving closer to my family in next approx 6-8 months. or i will bring them close yo me.
A man is not rich by his wealth, he is rich by his attitude. Not all rich man are sad and not all poor man are happy. it depends on how he keeps him happy.
I am feeling sleepy....remaing in another blog..
This is a test blog.. To check whether i am able to blog from my mobile & add photos.
This is my childhood photo my mother holding me and my broyher.